Animation company Disney improved the image of Princess Merida from Pixar’s fantasy story “Brave”, making it more consistent with a stereotype of an attractive girl.
The result caused a storm among animation fans, however, notwithstanding the protests, Disney company did not change its mind and complemented the collection of cartoon princesses with one more beauty.
Pixar is a computer animation studio which created animation “Brave” in 2012. The main protagonist of this animation is an obstinate red-haired Princess Merida of Scotland. Recently, Disney animation creators decided to improve this character as it was conceived to join Merida to Disney princesses collection.
The improved image of princess is going to be demonstrated on children backpacks and pyjamas. However, Disney representatives assure that clients will be able to buy goods with the original Merida image, as the latter were furious about the new princess image.
Princess Merida before and after her makeover
Before these goods came into market, people, who saw the improved image of Merida by Disney animators, were greatly indignant. In sketches princess appeared much older, her waist was slimmer, she had a plunging neckline and coloured eyes – in overall, she was completely different from her appearance in the movie “Brave”. With reference to the animation, an electronic petition was signed by more than 200,000 fans – they were demanding the studio to bring back the former features of the character. Even the original creator of Merida – Brenda Chapman – negatively assessed the makeover of princess. In accordance to the creator, this princess is different than the other ones: “This is atrocious! Merida was created to abolish the stereotype – to give young girls a better, stronger role model, something of substance, not just a pretty face that waits around for romance”.
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Despite the criticism, Disney representative argues that the sketch of the character is just a onetime. According to the representative, illustrators relied on Merida’s official social website which displayed her pictures from film excerpts: “Usually we use a different drawing style for our characters and the makeover of Merida image was just an attempt to better commemorate a special coronation ceremony” – he said. In drawings Merida is pictured holding a bow and an arrow and this is going to be her trademark.